Organizational Structure



This Operational Structure, is best defined by TWO (2) words, Order and Structure. This is the Operational Structure to which we yield ourselves to and work willing in submission to. The one true factor about the GOD we serve is His demand for us to be on line with His Order and Structure. The affairs of GOD can NOT be handle in ways which make them subject to the "moods" of man. This is why the LORD did NOT leave it up to us to define must how we would perform His business. GOD, set the House of GOD in a specific order for us to follow. Then He set Order & Structure in place, which pleases Him, both Naturally and Spiritually. Both His Order and Structure set the stage for our journey with him. Since the beginning of the Children of GOD, their journey with the Heavenly Father, has always been a system to execute the Will of GOD.


In the days of "OLE" we used many systems which included memory, word of mouth, markings, drawings, and signs. These were ways in which one could follow the order or Structure to which our Father's business could be accomplished. It proven to be a necessary factor in controlling confusion and disorder among the Children of GOD. Even our Father insure that His first ORACLES were handed down on tablets of stone. Man tries to commit much to His mind, but often falls short of remembering the Order & Structure of things.


Therefore, under the guidance of Order and Structure we must carefully keep what is given on how a tasking should be done. Our LORD has established in His House (GOVERNMENT), His "blue print" that He may be glorified. In performing GOD's business, it must be His way or His system in managing the instructions or procedures that we have recede concerning His business. When the Children of Israel came forth out of Egypt, it was apparent to the Father-In-Law of Moses that he was burdened with the lack of Order & Structure. Therefore, advising him to set up a system whereby the Order & Structure of GOD'S nation would be more effective. Thus he did as he was advised and the flow of things became much simpler and more efficient.




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